In our cell phone repair training today I will teach you how to repair a Nokia 1112 with no light problem. Take down notes and save my training pictures for future reference.
1. Ask the customer the history of the phone what happen to the mobile phone. It is very important to ask for the history so that the technician could have a hint where to start and how to troubleshoot the cellphone.
2. In this mobile phone training I received a water damage 1112. Now that we know what happened we can proceed first by cleaning the cell phone board.
3. Disassemble and inspect the board for possible shortage or any water residue present from the mobile board.
4. After cleaning using hot air dry the board. Next assemble again the cellphone and try to check if there is now a light. If still the problem exist proceed to the step.
5. Disassemble the phone and using Ohmmeter check for any open pattern using the pictorial diagram. If all the lines are okay . Next is check for the voltage output using the same pictorial diagram. In this cell phone training every output voltage are okay other that the Vled+ which very low. Through voltage checking I suspect that the problem is N2400. Finally replace N2400.
6. Through voltage checking I suspect that the problem is N2400. From the schematic diagram below you can confirm that VLED+ is supplied by N2400. Finally replace N2400.
7. Congratulate yourself for a job well done.
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