Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cherry Mobile Flare S100 "Too many password attempt" solution

I just received this Cherry Mobile Flare S100 "Too many password attempt" problem here in my shop.  The best to solve this is to hard reset the unit.  Check the step by step procedure here.

too many password attempt problem cherry mobile flare


1.  Turn off the mobile.

2.  Remove the battery and put it back again.

3.  Press Volume up + power on

4.  You will be ask to select your option from the menu.  Select the "wipe data/factory reset" by using the volume up or down and by pressing power on button shortly.

5.  The mobile will reformat the phone by itself.

6.  You will choose now another option and that is to "reboot the phone".

Finally the phone will restart and will go to the actual initial setup.  Perform the setup and you're are done solving "too many password attempt" problem.


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