Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nokia 5130 Contact Service Done By Nokia Best Ver 1.75 By Gsmmithun

If you are just starting out and you don't have enough budget to start your mobile repair business, then you can start to flash Nokia using thing Nokia Best v1.75.  I solved 5130 Contact Service using this software.

Here's what you need:

1.  USB cable of 5130
2.  Drivers for Nokia
3.  Nokia Best Software
4.  5130 Firmware


1.  Download and install first the nokia drivers into your PC.
2.  Download and run Nokia Best
3.  Download and prepare the nokia firmware
4.  Run the software and choose the setting in my picture below.
5.  Power of the cellphone and connect the cable.
6.  Click flash and power on the mobile when ask.
7.  Install the drivers prior flashing the phone.
8.  Wait until the phone flashed and reboot in normal.
9.  Celebrate! Your phone now is back to factory settings. 

nokia best software


card found: A1B5CCE8
registered to: CycloneBox

Connect phone on selected interface...

Core : v1.51 , FlashEngine : v1.8

Selected FlashSettings : FullFlash
Check FlashFiles, Please, wait...

Files Set for Flashing :
MCU : rm495__07.97.mcusw
PPM : rm495__07.97.ppm_x
Flashing phone now...
Check files done...
-> SWversion check skipped : Dead mode selected
Getting product info...
Dead Mode is Selected
Waiting for USB device...
--- Press phone's power button or insert cable & charger! ---
Connection opened successfully
Waiting for communication response.
ASIC ID: 000000010000022600010006030C192101033000
CPU ID : RAP3Gv3 , Features : No any extended features
RAP_PUB: 1E600017EC118C561C15E274410628867F1F803E
PatchRAWLoader: Patched OK
Processing RAWLOADER...
Processing UPDAPP...
Processing PASUBTOC...
TIME : Boot time : 00:00:06
Reopening the connection...
Waiting for response: 30
Waiting for response: 29
Waiting for response: 28
Waiting for response: 27
ADL -> [2nd] changing...
ADL Server confirm flashmode!
ADL : Check data
ADL : Data accepted
ADL : ASIC CMT select Ok
===Flashing [MCU]===
Erase : Processing rm495__07.97.mcusw
Found 6 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x00000000 - 0x000006BF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x000006C0 - 0x0001FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00040000 - 0x000BFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x000C0000 - 0x0013FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00140000 - 0x0137FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x01380000 - 0x0151FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:02:28
Write : Processing rm495__07.97.mcusw
Total 1178 [1178/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [NOLO]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [KEYS]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PRIMAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PASUBTOC]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [UPDAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [DSP0]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [MCUSW]
TIME : Write time : 00:01:47
MCU Write done
===Flashing [PPM]===
Erase : Processing rm495__07.97.ppm_x
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x01520000 - 0x01DBFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:01:06
Write : Processing rm495__07.97.ppm_x
Total 494 [494/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
TIME : Write time : 00:00:49
PPM Write done
ADL : End flashing

Flashing done!
Total flash time : 00:06:11
Reboot phone now...

Reading Phone Info....
Connected phone - Nokia 5130c-2
Software Info: V 07.97 13-09-10 RM-495 (c) Nokia
IMEI: 358229038967025
PPM version : V 07.97 13-09-10 RM-495 (c) Nokia X
Product code: 0586824
SimLock status : SimLock is Ok
Security status : Security is Ok
Read Info Done!
Settings After Flash Defaults...
Checking User Certificates...
Total - 21 certs
Data exist, skip certificate repair...
Battery voltage is enough for start
Set phone to Normal mode...

AfterFlash operations done ;D

Elapsed: 00:07:20

Connect phone on selected interface...


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